We thought it was time to release a new compilation with producers we like. That compilation is a medley of different kinds of music but still in the slow vibe that we love. Inside plenty of great producers. Geistech, Did Virgo, Inaktiv, JackWasFaster, Man2.0, ID_UA,Leonor. Picture by : Florian Calas (500px.com/floriancalas) Mastered by : K-EFFECT
1. Geistech - Napoleon
Mexicain dont j'ai peu d'info.. Track techno lente penchant vers la synthwave, voix sous acid.. Sortie sur Esthétique Records, label Français.
2018 is going to see the bond between Khidja & Malka Tuti strengthen, with the Romanian duo bringing forward their eclectic, cross-genre approach to electronic music in the shape of 2 full releases as well as several remixes tba. "Plot" & "Am I Really Here" are two dance-floor bangers, not hiding behind fashions and hype, the duo is pushing forward on both tracks, each with its own idea and story to tell. This one continues Malka Tuti’s 12” dance series perfectly, with both tracks being pressed on 45rpm and getting each its own side. All tracks written and produced by Khidja. Bass Clarinet by Rob Szliga. Mastering by MA Spaventi
2. Khidja - Plot
Toujours sur Malka Tuti, Khidja doit probablement jouer avec des instruments orientaux pour obtenir cette techno organique et sombre. Attention : gros break à la clarinette completement barré.
A2 - Metaphysical Lives by UNI.OMNI, released 03 April 2018
3. UNI.OMNI - Metaphysical Lives
Norvégiens découvert par hasard dans les tréfonds de Soundcloud, cette techno lente, groovy et distordue m'a bien rappelée les talentueux Identified Patient & Sophie Du Palais. EP sortie sur VIVOD, le label UK d' Ali Renault.